Report Absences

Use the form below to report your child's absence. If you have any questions, please call 662-9400 or send an email: [email protected].

Please share the specific reason for the absence — particularly if your child has flu or respiratory symptoms.

 For all early checkouts, please be sure to sign your child out through the office.
School attendance is super important to your child's academic growth.  Please visit this site:  Attendance Works

If you are planning an absence that will require your child to miss school for more than 3 days, please complete and submit an Extended Absence Request to the office at least five (5) school days prior to the absence.
Report an Absence

If your child will be absent from school, please provide us with the following information. Please note that all information with an asterisk (*) is required



(in case we need verify the absence): 


Security Measure